Hey, folks!
I hope everybody had a productive weekend
Just a reminder:
If you've been running into an issue, please PM me the following info:
1) How are you uploading/downloading? (for Remote Upload, include where you're remote uploading from, what you're receiving - error or in queue. For FTP include the client you are using. Any 3rd party programs for upload or download, include)
2) What error are you receiving
3) When did this error occur
4) Your account ID - are you free/premium
5) Where are you located - a speed test for your connection
6) A traceroot to the server you are receiving issues from (if you know how to do this) or the link to the file which is giving you issues - if download, please send your IP as well
If you can't provide all of that information - that's alright, but I just need more specific information pertaining to your issue!
Saying X sucks or Y broken doesn't give me enough information to be able to look into it in a timely fashion!
And also - I will keep saying this again and again - don't post your personal information in the thread!

Safety, people!