sent.We sent all payments every 48 hours, If you did not receive it, send us your username and payment address Private message.
sent.We sent all payments every 48 hours, If you did not receive it, send us your username and payment address Private message.
19th Money Sent, but we sent with low fee and take more time maybe you will get money monday.sent.
no worries. i can wait.19th Money Sent, but we sent with low fee and take more time maybe you will get money monday.
I told you in pm that i didn't recieve my payment. You asked for my bitcoin address. I gave it to you. you still are not paying. are you going to pay or what?
Bitcoin rates have fallen. It is not our problem. Anyone applying for Bitcoin should be aware of its ups and downs.request $60 but received only $40. nearly $20 were missing even you send with lower fees. rate wasn't changed much 18th and 19th. you don't know how hard it isplease please please give me full payment.
You will get money tomorrowHi. Payment request April 23 paypal has yet to receive the money. has sent your username in a private message. What do you still write on your website 48h payment
Yes Sure.@VideoHostSupport are you at least going to make Minimal payout is 5 so most of people would withdraw their money?
When is the last delay to withdraw the money?Yes Sure.
May 1stWhen is the last delay to withdraw the money?