For real! Why are you so quick to jump to the gun. Come on, Aparat is one of the fastest regularly paying host out there by like miles! Always received my payout on time!same problem everywhere...
coming scam ??
please helpI can not enter my paypal email to request payment, I enter it but it is not saved, can you help me ... I will send it to you by message
vertical video (portrait) going to horizontal (landscape)all my vertical video (record from mobile) suddenly changes to horizontal video,pls fix it
Done.please help
Not, not sure it's ffmpeg issue most likely it's player too smart that it rotates.vertical video (portrait) going to horizontal (landscape)
you will fix this or not ???????????????
Very few views and money, nothing is the same as in the beginning.
The only problem with PayPal is that it is all limited and we get help from the exchanges.still nothing in paypal account. I understand that you are a fast and always on time tea server, sometimes you pay 48 hours earlier. but at the present time. Just a few more days you will leave your website and now your payments are delayed. This will make your uploader feel insecure during the days you are about to leave