Where the heck it looks a cheat?

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Active Member
Well last time i sold mafiaw.com to wman here in 110$

katz 2*
Nexusddl 3*
Google Pagerank 1
Thread: http://www.wjunction.com/showthread.php?t=50553

Story is the day i did not had latest db and i did not knew r0ck has changed password of cpanel to give this guy to get his backup. So until next day r0ck did not came online so i was not able to provide him cpanel details. I also tried to restore this old db but his server was something wrong or what it did not restored so i ask wman to wait for next day plz and i will get my cpanel details and u can get ur backup and move from there. He said ok if i dont give him details i can refund him, well i said ok.

Well in night before time i got cpanel details from r0ck he had changed ip address so i sent wman. He or his host was not able to restore his site i dont know what is there reason, i told him to give me whmcs details so i can forward r0ck to do a backup for me as i m not much familiar with cpanel.

Now the guy is coming with new excues he says when he put back his dns on my server he get 50% users online and on his server he get less, now what the fuck man cant u wait for dns update? well next excuse he find he see white pages and i tested and show him sreenshots of password recovery i dont see any white page,

Last he said to give him 50$ because i cheat him, or else going to make thread on wj

Now you guys decide is that looks like a cheat or scam or this guy is trying to scam me?
thx for input aisha

Now take a look at this reply from wman, is it type of threatening from tan x? i even dont know who is that

Halilo-O // The World Is Yours says:
*ok thnx
*all chats and pms recored, u even say ooo i cant work with cpanel, i also logged screenshots when i put on ur server, i will make a thread and next time you sell a forum, people will look into your profile and see this topic, and you wont sell anything and will lose the respect of other guys
*also i will tell it to my friend tan x, admin on katz:")
lol.. i think wman is such a noob .

mRAZA is trusted here and he is a nice person .. Done lots of transactions with him..
thx guys for input but again to guy i still offered him to give me his whmcs details and i will (via r0ck) put this site on his server but God knows what he wants.
Yeah I wouldn't worry about it mraza r0ck will come online soon and you can get the details you need to fix the issue and then there's nothing he can say about it. ;)
Yeah I wouldn't worry about it mraza r0ck will come online soon and you can get the details you need to fix the issue and then there's nothing he can say about it. ;)
bar problem is not this now i have given cpanel details two days ago to this guy so he can get his backup, his host is not able to move properly or something else which is not my problem, still i offered him to give his whcms details so can move this site to his server.

I just checked and currently site is running on his server do you see any problem there? I dont
lifetalk not STFU Or GTFO we should make a poll to what to say to guys like this :P


anyways mRAza i trust you bro and you should block & delete him cause the fault made by him! why didn't he take all info before he buy the site lol? if he wanna make a thread tell him to make it and the thread will be totally moved to off-topic and the thread will be moved to trash or close xD nothing happens to you nor you have to take a tension against guy like that!

BTW why i smell a scam >_>
I don't have anything against him but in this situation, its not mRAza's faults rather its your host problem. He is trying to help you out and do whatever he can but meh! lifetalk ftw! >_>
mraza if your so trustable why you make such thread you idiot? i sended him money and he sended me a big sql with 10000000 errors, i give him my ftp/cpanel details even he was not able to restore it. stupid fuck give me then 40 hours later cpanel details i made a backup and even then i was not able to restore it because it got a lot of errors. my hoster fixed everyhting for me. also we are hosted by same hoster you little fuck. there are even now a lot of errors in the site, check it yourself http://www.mafiaw.com/ Users active in the past 24 hours: 143 (142 members and 1 guests)

1 guest online whole day? there are now 20 people online. no you made some kids friends here fukcing here for you because you asked, but your so scary i would have made a thread you made one yourself. also the guy above here who called me a scammer saying selling free script. that recent search script is not free i have full rights to sell. those free recent search scripts are shit, put it on your site, you cant get traffic, put mine and in 2 weeks you have 2k a day from google.

i have paid this idiot 110$ for 2 star site, and then he give me shit with 1000* errors in db, what a stupid idiot
oh really , why it took you so many days to make a paragraph like this i sent u this thread link a while ago, i did not had proper db so gave u cpanel details u kid so you can get your db from a working site, you noob kids are such headaches these days, people can see who is stupid here, now stop bitching and gtfo ... got it?
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