What online games do you like to play?

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I used to playing Combat Arms but that got filled with hackers. Nexon piss poor game security and updates wasn't stopping them. Soon I moved to A.V.A it had better graphics but got boring pretty fast. After that I started playing Dynasty Warriors online, PWI, Vindictus, RaiderZ and numerous other F2P games. Over time those games either shutdown, did not have enough content or became Pay2Win. Nowadays most I rarely mess with mmos. However Wildstar, ESO, ArchAge and Black Desert looks interesting. I might try them whenever they come out.

Whelp guess its back to flapmmo
Company of heroes 2 and Starcraft 2. I like the other games too but... i think too easy. And you have to use your brain for the strategy games. What do you think guys?

PS: DayZ have online :O?
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