What online games do you like to play?

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Miniclip Pool!!! FTW!!!!... Im a grandmaster after beating all your sorry asses during the last WJ competition, (got my ass whipped in second but last round!...:facepalm: :'( ) Not sure how the new rankings work though... ????
Reminds me.... I think we should have another competition... this time we should get some decent prizes from donators! i.e. 1 year hosting/domain name/1 year vps/ etc etc.
Other than Evony, I haven't played online games (aside from on the Xbox which I haven't played in over a year now, aside for 2hrs on the new COD) since back in the AOL days.
Team Fortress 2

Spys are the worst characters on the game they are to over powered they can kill a heavy full energy with one hit to the back and also take out items you can build
Sniper is the most non effective character on most levels
Game has some bug like weapons switching on you randomly when your using something else
Each character is better on different level than other
Noobs building stuff on corners where they will have hardly have any affect
Guys that just run a around and really do nothing
Your on a server team has 3 spies or snipers on the same team that is so unfair
There are some hackers guys using a energy hack or aimbot hack
Little punk teens using there mic screaming about everything
Your playing on a team with at least 7 people and there is not one medic or engineer
Server scrambles teams then one team is like 20 times better that the other and everyone wants to scramble teams again but teams never get scrambled again
Server were teams are scrambled every 2 to 5 min I was playing on a server teams were scrambled like 12 times in 30 to 40 min
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