What happen to Bolt.cd forum

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Anyone here a member in Bolt. Are they allowing new members in?? I wanted to join there.

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Anyone here a member in Bolt. Are they allowing new members in?? I wanted to join there.

Added after 9 minutes:

Or can anyone recommend a good website for ebooks where the authors are not banned?? Not mobilism though cause some of the authors are banned there. Thanks for the help :)
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I'm a member but the site seems to be down again........I'll answer your question when it comes back up.

Anyone here a member in Bolt. Are they allowing new members in?? I wanted to join there.

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Anyone here a member in Bolt. Are they allowing new members in?? I wanted to join there.

Added after 9 minutes:

Or can anyone recommend a good website for ebooks where the authors are not banned?? Not mobilism though cause some of the authors are banned there. Thanks for the help :)
As far as I know, you can just go to the site and sign up for regular Bolt. I think you need an invite for bitbolt. I don't use the latter so can't help there.
Are they allowing new members??? I wanted to join there

Sorry m8.......

"Just a note, some months ago we closed new registrations to the site, and not along we just removed the last few publicly view able resource sections from public view. If you log out you will only see community sections are viewable - at some point in the future these may also be made private."
Update: At this time, we have also disabled invites and new registrations through Bit-Bolt.
Yes, BOLT is alive but just like on ventilator, :) If you are one of them from Adult Uploaders, you are welcome also on imrelease.com

I am more into books only. Most of the authors on mobilism are banned and dp group requires members to post to gain access to other threads. If you have any other forum please suggest. Also I guess the registration for Warez is closed as I recently tried but there was a constant error
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