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    What happen to forum

    Thanks for all the info on novanon - looks great :) I went to ebooklunatics but it said I couldn't register. Any ideas? Thanks.
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    What happen to forum

    Does anyone know why Bolt is down again? Thanks.
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    What happen to forum

    Down for nearly a day now :(
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    What happen to forum

    Just so everyone realizes, to use imrelease for anything, you must pay :(
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    What happen to forum

    Warez-bb is secure and you just have to allow it. Here's their twitter address for updates as they have been having certificate problems I believe I just registered and posted a quick hello to get access to all books on dp group. Other than that there is...
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    What happen to forum

    I personally love for both e and audio books. and are also very good.
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    What happen to forum

    As far as I know, you can just go to the site and sign up for regular Bolt. I think you need an invite for bitbolt. I don't use the latter so can't help there.
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    What happen to forum

    Is Bolt down again for everyone - August 16 2017? Thanks
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    What happen to forum

    Yes :( Message Please note we are undergoing some maintenance. We may be down for an extended period of time (maximum 24 hours) while we adjust some things on the back end. Please be aware that we are working to get things resolved as quickly as possible. Sorry for the...
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    What happen to forum

    I'm pretty sure he's not a bot but his behaviour is questionable. Maybe Bolt got one of those ransomware viruses that are becoming more common where your site is taken down until you pay up :) Whatever... I, too, am very glad they're back
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    What happen to forum

    I happen to really like Mobilism. Their rules may be stringent and a couple of their Mods can be quite controlling but overall they have always helped when I asked for clarification or anything else. Their volunteers are fantastic :)
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    what was your antivirus in 2015 ?

    I use Norton too and it seems to work well.
  13. A

    What happen to forum

    As you say, Search isn't working and apparently even mods don't know what happened. Still, part way there is better than nothing :)
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    What happen to forum

    I can't disagree with you but I'm glad to see them back. Thanks for all your input over the time they were down, Oldone :)
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    Which Processor Family do you Preffer

    I prefer Intel - have i7.
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    how many of you are using an adblocker?

    Thanks for site links. I use adblock on Firefox.
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    New Member

    Hey! Looking forward to this site :)