What do you think about math ??

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Its the sexiest subject no doubt!
Be good in chemistry, girls won't give a shit, be a maths genius, they will fall for you :P
I had the experience :D
I like it only when I am able to solve it or the challenge posed is possible to accomplish. :P When I can't solve it, I hate it. :(
Have you seen all the math PHD teachers, they all are like...who am I, am I a number? Girls dont fall for em....

Dear Maths, Please Grow Up and solve your problems yourself, ty.
Have you seen all the math PHD teachers, they all are like...who am I, am I a number? Girls dont fall for em....

Dear Maths, Please Grow Up and solve your problems yourself, ty.

My professor used to always catch us and start lecturing us, and he would start like this : i know who you are...blah blah blah....in the end he asks : who are u ? :))
Hate math.

It is a sign of intelligence, but when you think of it has no uses in the real world.

People say it is the fundamental basis of everything, but they are wrong, if I went to a job as a hair dresser with a degree in Math I wont get the job. :D
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