What do you think about math ??

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I used to enjoy it, thought I did pretty decently in my exams and turned out that wasn't the case. So I hate it now and never have to do it again ^_^
Its great if you get it. Its such as awesome feeling when you finally solve a huge ass maths problem, even if it is pointless. Just a sense of acheivement I guess
I guess I go well with it. Currently getting my Differential Equations. :D

Most of the people hate mah since it is an exact science. the answer is only the answer.
Math is not my forte, but if provided with tools (ie. calculator) its manageable.
Still rather someone else do it for me :)
For those who love math to death, have you guys taken F math? That's a killer. And yes, I love math although most of the time, it drives me crazy.
well i have finals this week in college math II covering trigonometry, statistics, some calculus, and geometry.

I like it but find some of it very difficult and I tend to overthink it.
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