What are the best video games you ever played?

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Has to be world of warcraft, was a good buzz raiding with 25 to 40 other players back in the day.

I have to admit I had to sell my World of Warcraft account I became to addicted, started pulling sickies off work and started to become unsustainable lol.
I’ve played a lot of video games in my days. Here are some of the best that I have ever played:

1. Super Mario Brothers. This game was revolutionary when it came out. I remember spending hours and hours trying to collect all the coins, power-ups and mushrooms in each level! I even had the music memorized!

2. Sonic the Hedgehog. Who didn’t want to play as this cool blue hedgehog?! It was such a blast racing through levels and collecting rings and looking for secret exits!

3. Bubsy 3D: Furbitten Planet. What can I say? It’s Bubsy.
Super Mario Bros 3
WarCraft 3
The Sims
Final Fantasy 6 to 10
Need for Speed 2-3
Starcraft II
and PSX,PS2,SNES,N64 was best console ever

However from 2008 , i lost interest in games until I started recently again. And I saw the new games is still mushy compared to old games.
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