I have been using the service for several months now, and while it has been mostly positive there have been a few issues over the last four months that I haven't been overly pleased with.
The first incident was all my data was mysteriously erased and this was blamed on a password issue, but I know this was not the case as no one else ever had access to the RDP besides myself.
The more recent and ongoing issue is the sporadic server restarts. I had asked for prior notice of when they planned to do this and they did this once and since then have neglected to do so. Most other hosts will restart servers on a set day(s) and time(s) so it is easy to know when to halt applications that would otherwise lose data due to a forced closure. Webpundits restarts the servers whenever they see fit, which really is sloppy.
Other times there are people on the uploading server that I am placed on that far exceed what they should be doing and using up 100% of the CPU, but no one seems to be around when this is brought up so I've stopped wasting my time reporting it.
I am not saying to not use the service, but I am informing some who might want a more stable or scheduled server restart pattern to perhaps seek out another provider.
I'd happily change my stance on this is Webpundits support would either go to a scheduled server restart as I have suggested numerous times now, or if they give prior warning and actually stick to the time they say (last time I actually had to ask about it 90 minutes after the restart was supposed to happen).
The first incident was all my data was mysteriously erased and this was blamed on a password issue, but I know this was not the case as no one else ever had access to the RDP besides myself.
The more recent and ongoing issue is the sporadic server restarts. I had asked for prior notice of when they planned to do this and they did this once and since then have neglected to do so. Most other hosts will restart servers on a set day(s) and time(s) so it is easy to know when to halt applications that would otherwise lose data due to a forced closure. Webpundits restarts the servers whenever they see fit, which really is sloppy.
Other times there are people on the uploading server that I am placed on that far exceed what they should be doing and using up 100% of the CPU, but no one seems to be around when this is brought up so I've stopped wasting my time reporting it.
I am not saying to not use the service, but I am informing some who might want a more stable or scheduled server restart pattern to perhaps seek out another provider.
I'd happily change my stance on this is Webpundits support would either go to a scheduled server restart as I have suggested numerous times now, or if they give prior warning and actually stick to the time they say (last time I actually had to ask about it 90 minutes after the restart was supposed to happen).