Shared WebDen: Offshore Semi-Dedicated Web Hosting.

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I must to say that i'm almost a month hosted with this guy and i must to tell you that the server (hosting) is great . Uptime 100% till now . Speed Awesome . Support till now i don't needed support because the server is great
I just hope that this service wont start overselling and ended up overloaded, coz everything is just awesomely fine here. :D
The sever is just amazing, it's a must buy. It's fast, reliable, and the best thing about this server is the customer service, whenever your website has a problem dlow or somebody else will always be online to help you. It's not really expensive either, it's perfect for all sites.

Highly Recommened!
great support as i said this is far one of the serious hosting company we have dlow is really helpful don't hesitate buy one i vouch for him :D

i bought one more package layer 4
Hello everyone! we have updated post #1 and have added new payment options.

Payment Options:
Paypal, AlertPay, MoneyBookers
I use WebDen's hosting for almost a month now and I have to say that their service is great. My site loads fast, I had almost no downtime so far and their technicians resolved every problem I had in no time. They were always polite, ready to help and answer any question I had.

Great service, thank you DLow!
Our VPS nodes will be online within 32 hours, We will also have Virtual-Server plans upon WJ Very soon since they are highly anticipated.
What can i say ? i thought it was gonna be just a normal speed server
but really it turned out amazing i have been with now for a while
its really good if you want to test the speed of it feel free to look at i started off with layer 2 and went to layer and now im purchasing vps from them .. Thats me been with them for nearly 2months and there great ... RECOMMENDED SEMI DEDICATED WEB HOSTING !!!
Yesterday and today layer3 underwent a massive DDoS attack of nearly 800Mbit, putting the server down for about an hour. We currently have the server's primary IP nullrouted.

As we have a strong policy against network abuse, we've shut down the account that kept attracting these kind of attacks. While we're waiting the DDoS flow to die, we're having the Cisco Guard configured to help us migitate these sort of attacks if they would ever occur in the future.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this downtime may of had caused, but we really could only do so much.

-- WebDen Representatives
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