The harsh reality of the making money online market is that it takes as much effort and time as any other work. The "prospect" of making it which seems just clicks away at first, will soon make you realize it's not that close. It's time-consuming and requires something a lot of people lack - sheer dedication and staying true to your plan, failing is not an option.
The good news is, when you do start succeeding, a lot of new opportunities and side hustles will keep you entertained.
Anyway, how to make money online? The only way of sticking to the regime that will eventually bring you profit is to at least partially enjoy doing what you doing, long term it's the only way. - GFY is the forum where the "porn industry" meets. Professionals and big names look for work or to hire workers - have a look around, might be a place you find your calling in. - BHW is your "making money online" go-to destination. From beginners to sharks, you can say what you want but BHW has helped many people, including me. - You have all the tools here that can boost any plan you got going.
All in all, you need to find your thing first. Then you can start getting stacked.