Warez websites sandboxed ??

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I'm not 100% sure but if its mainly DLE sites they probably leave a footprint that google picks up on. I have never had a warez site sandboxed though and my pages get indexed very fast thousands at a time.
Nope. All penalties result in 3-4 types. Sandboxing, Google dancing, Deindexing and a general Google penalty.

We all know Google penalties. Could be -20, -100 penalties for various things. Doorway pages / cloaking, and other more easily seen blackhat/greyhat techniques can be automatically penalized through Googles algo. There are other penalties, but we just do not know of all of them. Also we have noted that recently alot of 'huge' content factories and huge index pages full of basically junk (DDL, SEO Tagging type plugin, soft 404 to 200) may bring about the -100 penalty. There is also manual penalties where engineers or auditors decide to take action and penalize your site for whatever reason.

Google Dance is a term used when your site is dancing on the results page. One day it would be #1 for its keywords, then the next day at page 3. Jumping around for the most part of the week, or month. It will eventually land on a place in the SERP where Google feels it should be at.

Sandboxing is basically a Google dance per se. Not much is known on the reasons why but many suspect that newer sites, and sites that do not have much trust get thrown into this sandbox mode. Alot of sandboxed sites begin as normal ranking sites and when a influx of backlinks come in, the sandbox comes in with the site basically disappearing from Googles results pages. But a google query of 'site: sitename.com' still has the website indexed. IMO this generally lasts from 1 week to several months. 9 Months the longest for me, and some long for other sites.

Deindexing is the most severe Google penalty. Basically Google throws your site out its Search engine. This penalty will most likely bring your traffic to a halt. To get back on you need to file a reconsideration request. Most likely that domain will never be back on Google again. To see if your site has been deindexed, use the search parameter; site: yoursite.com into google. If nothing is found, you are not indexed in Google.
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