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  1. D File Hosting

    Think about the DLers too. What a POS.
  2. D

    what is the best language for create video sharing website

    alot of social interaction with databases with fast deployment? ruby on rails
  3. D File Hosting

    Their premium download is slow as shit too for anything over 100mb, and it loves to disco so you dont get completed files.
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    House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill Here we go again with corporations, bankers and freedom hating politicians readily trying to police the U.S. by forcing these laws down their throats. And to name it Protecting children from...
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    LulzSec spokesman "Topiary" has been arrested say UK police If thats true, that was pretty lulz.
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    HELP: Best html/css/php editor? (code editor)

    Notepad++ if you dont need an IDE. If you need IDE, use Netbeans (I prefer it because its good, and free).
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    Warez websites sandboxed ??

    Nope. All penalties result in 3-4 types. Sandboxing, Google dancing, Deindexing and a general Google penalty. We all know Google penalties. Could be -20, -100 penalties for various things. Doorway pages / cloaking, and other more easily seen blackhat/greyhat techniques can be automatically...
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    FBI takes down Crime Ring worth $72 million

    These guys banked hard for several years.
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    Lulzsec - Releases for more Sony lulz Basic Web security 101. Cereal.
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    Draconian Anti-Piracy Censorship Bill Passes Senate Committee

    This marks a new step in the battle. Liberty vs the oligarchy. People are going to find a way around it no matter what. All this bill does is make it alittle more harder, and at the same time totally censor the internet how media companies see fit. Funny how this law could go this far in...
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    servedome down ?

    From Hero to Zero. Most hosts in this biz turns to zero within 2 years. I guess if you want something reliable you need to stop dealing with resellers and just get a dedi over at leaseweb or somewhere else similar
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    IPv6 Traffic Volumes Are Low, But Nobody Knows How Low

    In for a big ass clusterfck Things will not go smoothly IMO
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    Help with Computer Performance

    Your HD blows. Youre better off with the new HD Black or Velociraptor. Or just get a SSD
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    Google, Do you trust them ?

    Google first started off as the 'Good' Guys. And quickly changed their pace to the more sneaky bad guys. They keep maintaining this facade of being one of the good guys and kept reminding everyone that they are one of the good guys and was fully transparent. Not so. They first came out...
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    Speed up your windows RDP

    Start > Programs > Accessories >rightclick Command Prompt and run as admin
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    Google Penalty for loads of big sites

    Its the Farmer 3.0 Update. Silent but deadly. Most of the people here felt it because majority run sites that have thousands indexed and some multi-millions of pages indexed. The SEO world doesnt even know this update even happened. Farmer update from Google is basically deranking and...
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    Google Penalty for loads of big sites

    You know filestube is still going strong. I noticed only a slight drop in traffic with that site
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    Disposable Email Addresses