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Vuzehosting my hosting HaCKed By T-T34M

and i have not backup :'(

T-T34M currently have root on the server and have defaced most of the sites hosted with vuze, Vuze's kernel was vulnerable bullshit. Be carefull what you do, Servers down but they may still have access.

This is what happens on a server run and secured by kids.
My site is down and was hacked. Cuntz. Moving host now, I can't be doing with this downtime bullshit. Now my new host is down FML.
This is a complete newbie disaster of a host!! They got hacked as simple as... 1 2 3!!

I don't think anyone would have thought they had such an easy to beat security, especially since vuzehosting always seems to parade "security" as one of their major features. It's a fckin' joke!!

I hope my database and files are still intact, otherwise i will definitely push around for my complete refund, including knocking on PayPal's door to close their account.

In all my years of being a client at various hosts, i have to say this current downtime cause is actually new to me. LMAO!! Bunch of kids running a server with no security...

@ GJEKAMPO Wise to have made a screen-shot, or they could say that never happened! LOL
Hey NationWebhost, i remember you . Fair do's you always did your best to help us when we had a problem, its a shame you left/ got kicked out of the team for whatever reason :(

Anyway, does anyone know how i could contact the vuzehosting owner ? I thought if a host shut down they had to at least give you a site/ database backup, not just run off for whatever reason. I'm pretty peed off about him doing this !
Hey NationWebhost, i remember you . Fair do's you always did your best to help us when we had a problem, its a shame you left/ got kicked out of the team for whatever reason :(

Anyway, does anyone know how i could contact the vuzehosting owner ? I thought if a host shut down they had to at least give you a site/ database backup, not just run off for whatever reason. I'm pretty peed off about him doing this !

They don't have the server any more, they lost ALL data.

Added after 4 Hours:

i have pay for 1 year

Creation Date: 08-Jul-2010
Expiration Date: 08-Jul-2011

and now i have nothing more

Also, NationWebHost is nothing to do with VuzeHosting.
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