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Sorry to "but in", but it seems that one of your sites, or possibly one of the IPs, are getting attacked. (Some sort of flooding).
Thus causing apache to flood, and then shut itself down.

You need to figure out what exactly is going on, or install some sort of firewall (if you do not have any) to block the attacks. (Or simply find the exact site and block the site from being accessed).

Then problem solved :)

Good Luck!



No worries, something was flooding us. However we do have firewall installed - 'CSF'.

Here are the following IPs flooding us: with 181 connections with 117 connections with 112 connections with 221 connections with 178 connections with 120 connections with 116 connections with 110 connections with 339 connections with 168 connections
Remember to use our 25% off promotion code on all our hosting packages. 'wjunction' Be quick, expires very soon!

Our server has 8 CPUs and 8Gbit of ram, we are connected on a 1Gbit GUARANTEED line, we backup ALL accounts twice a week (Wednesday & Sunday) to another server in the datacenter. Purchase today from HackForums leading offshore hosting provider.


Our server is still under go the backup which explains the CPU usage increasing :).
Hello I have paid a domain and a hoster with you this morning VuzeHosting, I saw your hosting is down several times as much on, so have no more of these hosting Interese
bitte they give my money back, I would like to pay another hoster, thank you


i can not contact

You don't have permission to access /livezilla/livezilla.php on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I spoke to you on support ticket, and you have not linked us to your problem. We do not give refunds.

You created the problems yourself, you have not fully uploaded all the files for your forum. I wouldn't recommend using the forum you are uploading I would recommend using, MyBB or SMF or some other popular forum. However our support is UK based, all your tickets that you opened have been replied to so there is no reason for you to be complaining like this, just give it time. The problem is not with us, it is with you, try the live chat again and respond to the ticket and we will see why you cannot access it.
can I have asked yesterday if I can install woltab forum, they said yes they

ich have simply not right no matter what I do in case of FTP or installation, something like have never seen
You can install it, I wouldn't recommend it though. Upload all the files via FTP and then read the 'readme' file that comes with it to help you set the board up.
There was an error in our my.cnf file. We have been logging MySQL errors for a few days and something has went wrong with it. We have also been trying to optimize it using a mysql tuner perl script. Everything seems to be back to normal now.
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