Shared [VuzeHosting] OFFShore Web Hosting - 1Gbit Line - DDoS Protected

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I do not know where I can find a good hoster that never goes down

nexte times and was paid every month or three months so we have this problem not
every shared host is going to have a downtime no matter what you pay as all servers will after have a reboot to keep the perfomance up

if you want a very reliable host get a vps or semi dedi

they should ban him from here
So what now ?
They just leave with my money, 3 of my sites, and most of all a database and a successful forum with over 5k members.

Anybody know how we can contact them ?
This really has peed me off!
is this company offline now for good now? right after i buy a vps they dissapear. wow. great service :P good thing it was cheap and i didnt keep anything important on it.
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