Vreer.com Paying upto $3 for every 1000 stream

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I'm there as robb4u

it says you got payed 17.4 and for now you don"t have minimum for payment

my username: windy :)
hope i'll receive payment soon for i can buy tool and continue work for you:)
thank new admin :)

windy you are on list for payment today

admin..still waiting to fix my pay..usser: lastarica

it says you got payed also 16.4.2012 , i will talk with Ahoura more about these payments
it says you got payed also 16.4.2012 , i will talk with Ahoura more about these payments

admin..say it all appears to me not getting paid but got nothing ... is a fake payment...I have NOT received any payment....There's no proof of payment...You told me I'm on the list pending now what are you doing?
OK guys;

here's the update; all day long we're working on the migration of servers. I assume you can imagine, it's not an easy/fast task to do. As the day goes by, we managed to solve some things, some things have to wait until our hosting updates their papers. Needles to say - we're in same position here, everybody's waiting for something to finish.

As it was said earlier - vreer.com is still not completely migrated to new admins, and by rule of business, until the technical migration is complete, we as new owners are not able to take over business completely. I would be bad on my side to try and guess the exact moment, but as you can all see, we came into contact from start, and I only hope it can prove as a good will and intentions from our side.

I am sorry to see that there are unsolved matters, but be assured, our primary concern is to keep our relations with our affiliates on good side, therefore as soon as there will be opportunity for us to handle this requests you have, you will get your money.

Important date here is 27.04.2012, this is when migration process started, and for payments before that date we have to speak with Ahoura to clear things up. Whatever the case is, it will be solved as soon as possible.

I'm sure we'll be able to look back and laugh in few days, but I must ask you for patience, it'll be appreciated. Thanks for your time;

@ard, Please note that robots are not making these payments, and unfortunately my paypal is not allowed to make mass payments so I have to do these payments one by one, so sometimes there are some mistakes that are made. I do apologize and yours could be easily a mistake of me thinking that I paid you, please PM me your paypal, I will check it and if it was not sent I will send you the payment by the end of tonight.

A Quick Word
I would like to mention that I had an amazing experience working with all of you guys, it was truly a wonderful experience however due to personal problems I could not continue and therefore I had to sell the website. Please do not take this as me betraying my uploaders, As most of you remember I provided good support until the incident with the servers.
The new owners are great guys, they are dedicated to making vreer a better place and are financially capable to handle VReer and all its task and that is the main reason I sold them the website.

I wish you all a great future.

@ard, Please note that robots are not making these payments, and unfortunately my paypal is not allowed to make mass payments so I have to do these payments one by one, so sometimes there are some mistakes that are made. I do apologize and yours could be easily a mistake of me thinking that I paid you, please PM me your paypal, I will check it and if it was not sent I will send you the payment by the end of tonight.

A Quick Word
I would like to mention that I had an amazing experience working with all of you guys, it was truly a wonderful experience however due to personal problems I could not continue and therefore I had to sell the website. Please do not take this as me betraying my uploaders, As most of you remember I provided good support until the incident with the servers.
The new owners are great guys, they are dedicated to making vreer a better place and are financially capable to handle VReer and all its task and that is the main reason I sold them the website.

I wish you all a great future.


will miss u.......:(
I look forward to in the morning and everything and not nothing happened ...just words ... what to think? I worked for nothing ... it's so easy to check...even if you think you got it wrong because I guess it was all action premeditata and my work was in vain...has no connection with servers and pay I do not think you had so much to do you can pay be added manually on all the time(1hour).that's only if you want..even say ...receive payment or not.It's so simple ... If Yes when? ... at least not anymore, and we see nothing of other tasks
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