VodLocker.com Earn Up to $40, Weekly Payouts

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Thanks all for confirming, appreciate that very much.
We sent our first wire to a affiliate for a $xxxx amount, you could be the next one!!

- We have also fixed the loading of my videos area (speed)
- Have also improved search a bit

Please test those and let us know if you would like any changes in site.
Thanks again
Hello Mr. admin
Come up with a proposal if you can climb to the Tier 2 (Spain, Russia or Turkey).
Orif youcan enlargea bitrates.Ifyou can'tI'msatisfied.
Payment Received
Thank you
ID VoDLocker IantocFlorin85
Thank you for your understanding.
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We are sending some payouts missed from last week
why not sending all missed payouts from last week?
even if i requested later(friday) than deadline, i was doin that cause since ~2 months im paid much later than the rules says. saturday-monday
i cannot concentrate enough at my work cause of this escaladated problem
i dont care about some peeps who quited vodlocker cause of support
i demand you be like vidbull, stable
stable means stable, not preferential-stable

vodl not stable for me, and you dont randomly pick us and pay, cause since ~2months im waitin 4-6 days for a deadline-pending
requested later now, thinking you will honour that saturday-monday, like the custom
but no, you said i must ask on deadline
it's easy i do that, but why is hard to get paid

if you pay me in max 10 hours i can request on deadline time
if not, it's a SUPPORT problem
you cannot change people who wanna follow your writen rules
you need to improve your SUPPORT

expecting to be ignored or post-dodged, for my day to be worse, but i'll continue demand fair support and decisions
vidbull i sent you a pm need help with vodlocker vidbull and filehoot on video files count views

Edit : thanks :) for reply back vidbull
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All payza wmz and payoneer requests are processed. rest of the payouts will be delayed until Friday. We are waiting for exchangers to add funds and two days delay for that, so please keep that in mind.
Thank you all for patience :)
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