VodLocker.com Earn Up to $40, Weekly Payouts

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Payment received. Thanks vodlocker
marian1967 :)
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still waiting for my payment please check my mail


Added after 15 Hours 7 minutes:

payment received thanks for resolving the problem :)
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Hmm.. I, personally, can't access the website tonight at all. Maybe those lags depends on what country we are from as well.
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Hello, We are working on some site lag issues and will be focusing on optimizing load time this week.
If you continue to have issues pls send us an email or post here. So we are aware of the experience of our partners. Thanks all.

@ziretsu please email support they will take care of the issues (provide some details as well)
We are still working on optimizing page speeds it will be done soon.
@shawnlai FTP is working, can you send me any error log you may have from your FTP program? Please email it to support@ vodlocker .com (no spaces)
Still waiting for my payment of 2014-02-03, you put this paid and i never receive this in my payza, i check my paypal either and nothing, i wait 3 days for support answer, please can you send this?

It's really disturbing how inpatient people can be. I have never disturbed admins for delayed payments except the delay is more than a month. Anyaway. What happened today? Why we suddenly switched to 2014-02-15?
We are doing a web host upgrade to speed up the site (hence the date change to 15th).
Been really busy because of that and some short-staff. Hopefully above change will speed up the site to support our growth

@ziretsu I have resent your payment via payza.

Payment update: Will be sending most today. Rest tomorrow.
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