Payment received,thanks for solve it.We are doing a web host upgrade to speed up the site (hence the date change to 15th).
Been really busy because of that and some short-staff. Hopefully above change will speed up the site to support our growth
@ziretsu I have resent your payment via payza.
Payment update: Will be sending most today. Rest tomorrow.
Hello All, we have an offer for someone who wants to make some extra cash.
We would like to pay one or two people to remote upload 20-40 videos per day. This is an easy job, if you are interested in doing this pls msg me or skype me.
an other payment?more money? what a jokethanks for payment vodlocker
marian1967 [TABLE="class: tbl1"]
[TD="bgcolor: #E9F0FF"]2014-02-19[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E9F0FF"]$112.02[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E9F0FF"]PAID[/TD]