Premium Plus - Profitable & Unlimited Storage | Keep Original & Multi Resolution


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Hello everyone!

We're excited to introduce our video hosting platform here at wjunction.

Key features:
- Unlimited Storage
- No Video Expiration
- Security
- Max File Size: 15GB
- Custom Domain
- Multi Quality
- Profitable Affiliate Program (0% Earning: Only 1 popad)
- Anti-Bot Embedcode
- Anti-Clone
- Anti-AdBlocker
- Legal adult/porn content is allowed

Earn Money:
- Views & Downloads are both counted, up to 2 user/IP within 24 hours.
- Video must be longer than 1 minute
- When ads are blocked, views & download are not counted
- No reward for automatic/bot download, attempting to bypass or do such thing that is unethical will result in immediate ban.
- Read More: Affiliate Program (

You can register here: (
If you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to post your suggestion here.
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Hello @VidGuard , I wanted to give a suggestion.
if you can add in the
tell how the encoding of the video is going and if it is possible when it is finished tell what quality the video was in.
I know it's possible because most servers have that option, so the uploader knows how the video is encoding without having to open it

We can surely do that. Thanks for the suggestion.

Hi, thanks for another recent fast payout. :relaxed:
Not sure if you are aware of not but I thought I would still mention it just in case, to avoid future problems, that there might still be balance bug - cause after receiving payout my balance is still full with paid earning as well and it hasn't been deducted.

Thank you, we will fix this issue as soon as possible.
Custom Ads/Domains?
Perfect Monwy Payout?

Custom domains is available, custom ads is about to be added soon.
We have no plan to add Perfect Money, adding USDT is currently our priority.
We respects DMCA reports, users has their own abuse ticket panel on their dashboard.
I think I've been using this host long enough to adequately assess and put conclusion and my opinion about it together:
Payments are pretty fast, which I like. Also no major playback issues and site is mostly up which is good because lots of other videohosts often experience downtime.
Now the less good part: Despite Tier 1 being advertised as $35 per 10k, earnings are significantly lower than that. Despite there not being a country breakdown, I know website and traffic details, so I think unfortunately lots of views end up being uncompensated for some reason. Even sites who pay less and count less than 1 IP, earnings are significantly better there (I use several alternative video players)
Wish that would be improved, better earnings more trust and I'd send more traffic. :relaxed:
Surprising for the gains part, on my side they are rather consistent with what is announced. However, I noticed a small problem. Since yesterday or a few days the graphic statistics are lower than the daily statistics. Also also that a few times the upload fails (I use Zoom). If you could fix this. Otherwise I am satisfied with this host.
I think I've been using this host long enough to adequately assess and put conclusion and my opinion about it together:
Payments are pretty fast, which I like. Also no major playback issues and site is mostly up which is good because lots of other videohosts often experience downtime.
Now the less good part: Despite Tier 1 being advertised as $35 per 10k, earnings are significantly lower than that. Despite there not being a country breakdown, I know website and traffic details, so I think unfortunately lots of views end up being uncompensated for some reason. Even sites who pay less and count less than 1 IP, earnings are significantly better there (I use several alternative video players)
Wish that would be improved, better earnings more trust and I'd send more traffic. :relaxed:
We will be adding more features on the statistic page to be more transparent with the users.
Surprising for the gains part, on my side they are rather consistent with what is announced. However, I noticed a small problem. Since yesterday or a few days the graphic statistics are lower than the daily statistics. Also also that a few times the upload fails (I use Zoom). If you could fix this. Otherwise I am satisfied with this host.
graphic statistics?.
We will be adding more features on the statistic page to be more transparent with the users.

graphic statistics?.

Same here or yesterday I must have been around a hundred views while there was marked only 87 (we can also see it in relation to the gains (~0.12 while on the graph it is marked ~ 0.10)


Same here or yesterday I must have been around a hundred views while there was marked only 87 (we can also see it in relation to the gains (~0.12 while on the graph it is marked ~ 0.10)

It is probably a cache error or our query is wrong,

We made a few changes on the statistic page.

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