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  1. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    I would like to remind you that right now it is Ramadan and depending on your videos/traffic, this can greatly decrease. Afterwards yes, there are a lot of popups.
  2. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    Payment received.
  3. K

    Jioupload best and legit ppd platform

    Already a referral link... Really ridiculous storage (7 days after the last dl ??????).No need Domain opened last month 02/19/2025.
  4. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    Payment received, thank you.
  5. K and ¿SCAM or Legit?

    Domain creation : 29/12/2024 : 26/12/2024 Also the design looks a lot like FilePV and uploadmall (aka uploadbank).Surely they bought the design (uploadmall there since 2018 so trustworthy) I personally will not trust these latter.
  6. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    They have 90 days of storage without a view, which is huge compared to many (30-60 days). A few days ago, everyone was adoring them, squeezed them to the bone in terms of payment and now they are being spat on because they changed their policy. Honestly, it's the hospital that is making fun of...
  7. K

    Premium Plus - Profitable & Unlimited Storage | Keep Original & Multi Resolution

    I have always been paid, this host is crazy trustworthy.
  8. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    Possible to add the LTC indented? or USDT Polygon?
  9. K - Unlimited storage with highest reward $90/10000| 5 counts/24 hours

    This is just my opinion, but it looks a lot like SafeStream or even StreamHub, which appeared overnight, with attractive pricing and a similar design. I'll stay away (at your own risk).
  10. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    Possible that in the future to put LTC as a means of payment? Low fees and very fast.
  11. K

    Looking for a long term video hosting platform

    Oh, a hentai site, good luck surviving with your requirements. Best solution is to do hardsub, multi-quality is a bit useless, people want 1080p or 720p, we don't really care about 480p or 360. Do premium by subscription, you will sink. If you were a niche site, why not, but honestly, I see that...
  12. K

    Wordpress site high cpu usage

    Just to know, do you have the Burst Statistics plugin, if so, your problem may come from there. Otherwise, it is indeed a ddos attack.
  13. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    The video works on my side
  14. K - Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views

    You'd have to be an idiot to be at CloudFlare knowing that they're in direct contact with the DMCA. Cloudflare is to be avoided, they are the lapdogs of the copyright owners (knowing that we won't go that far, most uploaders upload copyriths content).
  15. K

    StreamHG : Storage and Sharing Videos

    Avoid. Unless it's for a long conversation. Rates are poor.
  16. K

    Vidhide pay

    On that, I can't advise you, however, I advise you to stay away from StreamSB like teams, it's better.