Active Member
ETH sent and received is processed faster than BTC, transaction fee is lower than BTC.Please add ETH soon.Thank youSure, I can ask my guys to add it but whats the issue with btc ? aren't both crypto ?
ETH sent and received is processed faster than BTC, transaction fee is lower than BTC.Please add ETH soon.Thank youSure, I can ask my guys to add it but whats the issue with btc ? aren't both crypto ?
Great!We have added new encoding/uploading server yesterday to speed up conversions, 1 more server to be added today. We are working on adding ETH as option.
Is this streaming or download? Also, can someone please give me adult forums or blogs this host accepted.
Streaming only, Right now i don't have such kind of list.
When will the paypal payments be made?
hi, will download be added in the future? I'm looking for a site that allows downloads and multiple conversion settings so 720p can be downscaled to 480p. Does site currently allow for streaming at 480p? I tried to register to check but never got activation email. thanks
Too many buffers cannot play videos,Thumbnail not working,Please fix this Videobin @It-SupportDon't worry you will get it whenever they will do a payout, they pay it out as soon as they receive it from advertiser.
Download won't be enabled, not in near future or atleast we don't have it in our to-do list for now. We do have 2 formats, 360p and 720p. Our 360p is better than other's 480p as well and totally viewable. We do have settings like disable HD (720p) encode and few other stuff if you are looking for that.
If you are using hotmail or yahoo, email won't get delivered. Kindly use gmail or any other service.
I have now uploaded 100 ftp files.
They did not appear in the account.
Will appear over time or are there any problems with ftp?
Files appeared with a long delay.
1. How i'll can transfer all files from root to some folder?
2. How i'll can upload files to some folder, not the root directory?
Could you add Greece at Tier 2?
Like an overloaded server, videos cannot be played because of excessive buffering
You should solve this problem soon, both you and I will lose users if the videos continue to buffer and cannot play.For some reason from last 2-3 days suddenly we are getting 10 times more visitors then normal, we were not prepared for this as we were growing slowly and we were adding servers steadily.
This is the reason videos are buffering so much and thumbs are not loading. We are in processes of adding 5 more streaming servers which will make our capacity way bigger and we can easily serve way more than current viewership.