hi, will download be added in the future? I'm looking for a site that allows downloads and multiple conversion settings so 720p can be downscaled to 480p. Does site currently allow for streaming at 480p? I tried to register to check but never got activation email. thanks
local upload or whatever where you press "add video" then select from from your hard drive. mp4 and avi seem to work fine so I don't know why mkv doesn't. Upload doesn't even start. As soon as I press upload it says "Mime type not allowed" thanks
hi, i'm not sure the thumbnail setting works correctly. I have it set to screenlist but I only get one image in preview. is there a way to have a preview image with multiple screenshots? thanks
Hi, I can't find register button. Also do you offer multi-quality AND streaming AND download for post-converted video. I don't care about affiliate. thanks
hi, was download ever added for this. Early in thread you say no download option, but later you're talking about download stats. really hope theres a download for the post-converted video.
also, I can't see my file in file manager. it just has rotating dots and "loading"
Hi, what are best alternatives. I don't care about affiliate program, just something that allows for streaming AND downloads AND allows you to choose resolution 720p 480p 360p. I know verystream, but are there others that are similar.
Also, what is advanced vs normal upload. I went to local...
I think you misunderstand. I just want a site that will allow me to compress video and then download for my own use. My computer is too old to run any remuxing reencoding programs
None of these allow downloading tho right? I'm in search of a site like OL that allows for different sizes 720p, 480p, 360, and downloads. I do not care about affiliate program. Thanks
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