Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

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infinit: Because you logged into your account while files were being remote uploaded. No other complaints of ban due to too many IPs.

scudkitten: We got other things to fix. Later you can remind me.

dinny: For all videos or some? :)

moonvn321: Not been approved yet?

All other complaints have been forwarded.
Thanks for the answer VBBDave,

I'm already logout from mu and mv when do the remote upload. I confirmed that. I'm also not do any mu/mv downloading to my laptop at the same time and not do the mu remote upload in another hosting at the same time.

Now, I'm trying to remote upload mu in videobb one video at a time but failed. Several time already. So I don't know what's the problem now.

If I tried to do the multiple remote upload again and if the same problem happen again then I'll be get the 3rd mu account suspended, it will cause me more problem right?

Thanks for any help
@vbbdave. Views never updated (remain "0") for all the videos uploaded since 3 days ago.
It's impossible that they have not yet been viewed.
Like the whole season 6 of Criminal Minds which I have submitted to has 0 views!
Please check.
My user name: tysoon
Ye the dmca videos wont vanish at all, plus i want to point out to dave from an earlier converstation to impliment a new popup window when deleting videos from my own mishap last night when i deleted 6 days worth of videos..

Try and add that in the next update so it warns a user which folder you are deleting in case of a wrong selection like i did..:'(

this image from my account

i want sell it for 12$ alertpay

Price now only $ 8
Offer is available until 6 pm tomorrow
i have 2 videos in the DMCA notice section ...... how can i delete them ?
i tried to delete them but i can not

Added after 15 minutes:

if there is a video in the dmca section which i published on the facebook for example can anybody watch it ?
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