Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

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Referral earnings as in people who signed up under your referral links
or people who bought premium accounts through your website?
When someone invests 1 million $ in a movie or a game or a TV show and you come with your 15$ investment for a RDP stealing that product for your own profit, how is that not stealing?

I also hate these censorship laws but there are way bigger problems right now than your money.

Same to you too my friend :)
We are talking about pure ref earnings here. Doesn't have shit to do with rdp or what any other bullshit you are pulling up here.
When someone invests 1 million $ in a movie or a game or a TV show and you come with your 15$ investment for a RDP stealing that product for your own profit, how is that not stealing?

I also hate these censorship laws but there are way bigger problems right now than your money.

Same to you too my friend :)

Ok, now you can go home. ;)

When someone invests 1 million $ in a movie or a game or a TV show and you come with your 15$ investment for a RDP stealing that product for your own profit, how is that not stealing?

I also hate these censorship laws but there are way bigger problems right now than your money.

Same to you too my friend :)

Outbreak I see you practice the same things we did with uploading copyright material on your porn site fileserve seems to have pulled your crap down.

  • File not available
  • This file was either in breach of a copyright holder or deleted by the uploader.
What were you saying about uploading copyright material :)
Lets say that I am selling Crack on the street, and you are bringing me customers.
You are not a criminal?

@ marco - yes i am doing the same thing, but i am not complaining because i know that this is illegal.
In the eyes of the law. both of these actions are illegal.
Copyright laws are crazy. The guy who killed Michael Jackson got 3 years in prison and if you post Jackson's song to Facebook you can get 5 years in prison if these laws pass.

I am just saying that it doesn't matter if you upload or bring members to the site, both are illegal so it is pointless to complain.

Marco, I don't have anything against uploaders, as I am doing the same thing. But you can't say that they own you money. They are in much bigger problems now and they do not care about you. They will cover their ass first.
He didn't kill him, he just failed to save a man who is a legendary singer but also a drug addict.
And it's still not to be compared.
He overdosed him because of his neglegance. But that is irrelevant now.

I am just saying that what we are doing is looked upon as an illegal act, even a terrorist act (if you follow these laws more closely then you will see what I am talking about), and when something like this happens you have to move on.

My FS and FSC accounts got wiped a few times also but I didn't complain.

Added after 4 minutes:

Yes it is the same thing if you are looking at it from the perspective of the law.

I know that these 2 things are very different (drugs and file sharing), but to the law they are almost the same.

Just look at there new laws that have come up in the past few years.
I have never been to USA and I will never go there, but I have to watch out for their laws. If I break one of their laws (regarding copyright), they could bring me to USA and trial me there. That is the packt that they have with UK.
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My question to you is why are you here? To ease our pain about not getting paid, or to just post your thoughts about how you've had your accounts wipe due to copyright porn and brief us on laws we are well aware about. Sopa didn't pass, dmca laws are still in place, nothing changed in that matter, videobb got scared and screwed their users, pretty cut and dry.
I am just saying that it is pointless to complain now.
It was good while it lasted and now you guys want to DoS them.

SOPA is still under consideration, it seems to me that you are not well informed.
And there are backup laws, PIPA and ACTA (for Europe). And the US has already shown us that they can do whatever they want even without these laws, if one of these laws passes, they could to the same to any site, just a lot faster.

There are much more important things to worry about now.

With 7 million petitioners on google alone and several sites closing down, etc etc Sopa is being waited on read up. Hopefully you can continue being profitable with your porn site, and be a hypocrite in the same sentence.:)
With 7 million petitioners on google alone and several sites closing down, etc etc Sopa is being waited on read up. Hopefully you can continue being profitable with your porn site, and be a hypocrite in the same sentence.:)

How am I a hypocrite when I said that I am doing the same thing?

A lot more file sharing sites are going out of business soon, I am not happy because of that but you don't see me complaining about my money.

It is pointless to write anything else here.
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