- Highest Paying network around $65/1000 downloads (Official)

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220 ProFTPD 1.3.3c Server (ProFTPD Default Installation) []
Command: USER freshmasters
Response: 331 Password required for freshmasters
Command: PASS ********
Response: 530 Login incorrect.
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server
Hello UserShare!
I've noticed a little weirdness with download managers (i.e. JDownloader) and UserShare: if I select one or more files and click on "Export selected", I obtain a list in the format
If I give this link to JD, it replies that this file is offline.
If I use the link in the format, JD works fine and detects correctly my file as "online".
The oddity is still present because, if I have an archive splitted in 10 pieces (somename.part01.ra, somename.part02.rar, etc), it loses its filenames and JD reports it as ten different packages and not one package with 10 files in it.

This behaviour is strange... I remember that, first times I used US, links where exported in the "anonymous" format. Now they're exported with filename.

Is there a way to have them exported again in "anonymous" (and working) format? This is a big annoyance for my users as they always receive an offline notice from JD!!!

Please, reply ASAP!

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Getting problem with FTP

220 ProFTPD 1.3.3c Server (ProFTPD Default Installation) []
Command: USER freshmasters
Response: 331 Password required for freshmasters
Command: PASS *******
Response: 530 Login incorrect.
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server

Don't understand whats matter of this unable to connect with FTP also check

kindly reply me in details also i have PM you
Webmoney not ready ma dude, we got the keeper mini , and that is why we could get the secret key.So now we have to figure out how to cancel mini and et a classic.Real stupid.
what should i do now ?
can i change payment from wmz to paypal
or can you tel me when you fix thix problem ?

waiting for payout
Hi Usershare!
I pm You to talk about my miss payment!
"In my report
2011-02-21 23:03:33 76.37 PAID.
But I don't receive any money.
My usershare id: Davis07
Check for me please!"

And You told me: "Ok, they are checking into this.Please stand by" on 16/3/2011
Now, Do You have answer?
usershare: this time again :you change the rule for download and you don't let us know that ,download without capcha but you increase the time to download for second file 1 hour, 11 minutes, 12 seconds
it mean when you give us good news,afterthat you give us bad news too,but you just talk about good news,you don't talk about bad news,look like before when you have a plan for PPS you don't talk you will change the rate down :'(
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