- Highest Paying network around $65/1000 downloads (Official)

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Files automatically gets deleted within 3-4 mins of completion.,And upload speed is very slow.

Is this still happening?

yeh, wea all will steal your earnings muahahha... omg...

lol..I swear your gonna get us in trouble...

Usershare what about me?? are you gonna keep ignoring me and steal my earnings???

were not stealing anything bro, please pm us what this is about....

PS..Is the stats fixed for everyone now?
So I'm doing my job fine =) *jokingly*

Stats is fixed... but uploads still are very slow...

edit: other server (id1836) is fast =)
When i click Request payout its not working


Button isn't working ..Can u please help
were not stealing anything bro, please pm us what this is about....

Are you kidding me??

Hey Usershare what happened with my last march payment?? It says PAID since days ago and i still havent received anything in my paypal :( can you check that for me please? username: sukebe
Funds back in my account how??
This is how it looks like now, the pending amount is all i have made AFTER the other was "paid":


The last payment i received was march 16! :(
Usershare whats going on with my case?? i emailed support days ago like you said but have yet to get any answer at all wth is going on???

(user: sukebe)
This stands at the FAQ
How are downloads counted ?

Downloads are counted from all user types when a file is completely downloaded.If a ip address downloads the same file more than once ,its counted only once,for any user type.If user (A) of any user type ,uploads 10 files and it is downloaded from one ip address of any user type, then user(A) is credited with having 10 downloads.
cvrle77, most of the questions here are so easy... you all would knew it if you would read the news and faq! i'm doing this every time as first when i use a hoster... but you all come 2 months later and every user are asking the same question each day...
FTP will be fixed, by latest monday, we need server spare parts and DC is out.....

Uploading errors were fixed , hours ago.Is anyone still having issues?
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