Upstore Discussion thread

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in earn page they say up to 15% of sales made after coming from your site.

in sites page they say You will get 10% from webmaster revenue for each premium

but when you get a sale you get only 5% [:|]

is there a system to get 15% like getting 10k sales in 1 month :-& or they are trolling us [pokerface] or its because of some hidden fees !!!? or ... ?
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So it mean if somebody go to my upstore ref link and by premium I got 50% of it's cost? or he take the premium issues but i have nothing?
Since last Sunday 9 March 2014, Upstore is added in the allowed filehosts list of and

So users can post Upstore links in those 2 forums without mirror links.

Let's hope Upstore will join soon other big adult forums like pbb-ophilia-PS ;)
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