Upstore Discussion thread

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I normally get approximately 20 sales per week for the last 3 months! Last week I only got 1 sale!!! With this sudden drop in sales, there's definitely something happening with this host!:crying:
many have had a bad month or so on UPS for me i can say it' getting a bit better than last 3 weeks last week was good this week looks promising so far so maybe not the end just yet :)
Today a lot of complaints - it is impossible to download a lot of files in free mode. I tried to check the download multiple files in a free mode. Any files from 192 server failed to download - download stops at 1-2%. Has anyone encountered this problem?

p.s. All complaints received at the files from 192 server. But it is possible that the problem happens with other servers.
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no complains here same number of downloads free and prem and i have more than 3K files on almost every server they have also it's better you just send a ticker so they would know and up the server they don't see this thread
I had 1/4 of the usual downloads yesterday and today. Also tried a couple of downloads as free user and it stops before 3% completed. Did not check the server numbers.
Almost 3000 files here.
Also a very ugly month start regarding sales. I hope they fix their problems soon...
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