I had 1/4 of the usual downloads yesterday and today. Also tried a couple of downloads as free user and it stops before 3% completed. Did not check the server numbers.
Almost 3000 files here.
Also a very ugly month start regarding sales. I hope they fix their problems soon...
In File Manager, sort by filename doesn´t work for me. Tried 2 different browsers. Can you please check it ?
Also it will be nice if we can rename our created folders.
Thank you guys.
I also contacted them and they say all is good in their system. Time will tell if it is just a bad streak or something else, but this abrupt stop in sales is weird :|
Servers are full and you have to change ftp server a couple of times in filezilla, due to the 552 error (disk is full) till one accepts the file to upload. I hope they upgrade their system...
Please tell me, did any of you got any new sales this month ? I´m getting only rebills :facepalm:
Sure they will !
They owe me and never payed me. Suddenly they say they start paying again... yeah, right.
Anyway, I clicked the "reactivate affiliate" to ask for my money again and suddenly my earnings went to $0.00
They deserve to be out of business real soon :)
This is no good
If their final decision is to delete premium inactive files, maybe they could try using some kind of disk quota. For example people with less than xx teras would not be affected by deletion and give people beyond that limit the chance to keep files alive for a small fee ?
Hi. I have 2 problems:
1- Download bonus points are not being counted for the last 3-4 days.
2- The feature "Limit Number Of File Free Download" is not working for me. I tried limiting to 3 daily downloads for free users but people are still able to download as many files as they want...
Hi. I´ll try this host but...
I managed to download 2 files at the same time with a really old trick (I am just registered user, not premium). Just paste links in two different browsers (I mean one Firefox and one iExplorer) and it works. Once download has started with explorer, I was able to...
This Marketing Settings are great !
One question. Do this settings are applied instantly or take effect next day at 00.00 server time (I mean, like when you change between PPD and PPS plans) ?
Thanks Filepost !
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