UploadStation - $32 / 1000 Downloads! All Countries Paid! (Official Thread)

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Hello, sorry for my poor English.
About two months ago I enrolled in the uploadstation page, however I never got the e-mail confirmation. Unfortunately I can not use my paypal email if my mail is not confirmed.
Uploadstation support can help me solve this problem.

Pd: My email is barti2000@gmail.com

Grateful for the payment. Still need a marker of scores of downloads. More generally the service is very good. Thank you for reliable service and success always.
Welcome, the download status will be done in these 2 days.
Hi uploadstation . i requested 2 payment twice a week but i only received on payment . plz check
We will check with our Finance Dept and resend the money to you.
uploadstation reply to my man.. y r u ignoring me?
Remote upload from MegaShares to UploadStation is not working since yesterday and there are no reply from Support (sent them a ticket earlier this morning).
Can someone please tell us when this will be fixed?
Thanks for notice, we are checking all our Remote now.
Filesonic to Uploadstation is not working.
Filesonic has blocked UPST.
ftp not working
I have a test with our FTP, that is working fine. And we are adding more FTP servers these weeks.
2Day Join Let See ................. Hope Its Good.
How They Paid Like Fileserve Did ???
Which Day Paid or Auto Payment Every Week???
We approve and pay every Friday.
RL Upload Not Work.
Thanks for notice, we will check this out.
Remote upload is still not working and there are no replies to question sent to their support or their support here
Without remote upload function UploadStation is useless to many uploaders because most of them upload to only one hosting site (preferably FS or MS) and then do remote upload to others to get backup links.
Please tell us if remote upload is going to be fixed and if so, when?
Remote is the best way for our uploaders, I totally understand that. We are checking with all remote hosting, and we will try to get it done for you ASAP.
PSEUDO mouadh1401
Sorry about that, we will resend the money.
remote upload from bitshare to uploadstation not working, please fix it, thanks
noticed, we will fix this up.
Hmm very nice payout schemes. Nice to see you paying regularly. I think I will start adding Uploadstation mirrors to my post then. Keep up the goodwork.
Great thanks, we are trying to provide a better upload methods for you.
Hello, RemoteUpload and FTP do not work .. ..
PD: I have more than 90 referrals, some prize for me?
Seems you are earning great money from download and Ref :P
Sure, upgraded you as 150 Premium.
I also have a similar problem Luffy .
in status have a tick last week .but today I still have not received the money.
Please help me
Can you please send me your login? Johnny@uploadstation.com , we will send you the money.
stats are frozen. 0 download till this time. uploaded 150 gb so far.
Can you please send me your login, so that I can check this up for you.
lol i cant use remote upload
6 file pending from last 2 days
Since the traffic is increase rapidly, we are adding more servers upload servers right now.
Is there any chance to get reply from their support center?
I have sent few questions in last few days regarding the problem with remote upload and there are still no replies or any fixes.
Unfortunately, after reading so many topics and posts about late or not received payments, so many problems with FTP and remote uploads and not a single reply from their support center about this issues I am starting to seriously doubt this service and if this continues will stop using it and consider it as scam service!
Sorry about that, our CS team work on week days. All your tickets from Mon to Thu will be replied within 2 days.
this is why I wanted my money back from them. I hope I can get back (they said they send.. still not in my paypal)
Hi djkelaj, already send you the refund ID from Paypal last Friday, you still have not receive the money? Please kindly update your status to me, otherwise nothing I can help.
Although the remote upload is not so stable during past two days and the ftp speed is not so fast as before. But I am still managed to upload via both ftp upload and remote upload.
Download earning also very good so far. Uploadstation is definitely not scam in my view.
a very happy and satisfied uploadstation user.
Thanks akibaba, since the traffic is increasing rapidly, more servers is needed. And we are already working on that.
@ Abdur Rafi ~ Unfortunately they don't even respond to support tickets sent to their official support center on their main page about this problem. I have sent few of them in last few days since those problems started and no one replied or did anything to fix it, so it's no wonder that they don't reply here...
This is really bad customer relationship and I am only happy that I didn't invest in buying one year premium like I wanted to do before this all started. Can't imagine that anyone from their support would reply in case of problems with account after purchase like they don't reply in case of these problems, so it would be waste of money.
Better to invest money somewhere else where they care for their customers and don't ignore their legit questions about serious problems with their service.
Again, all tickets will be replied within 2 days. For tickets in weekend, you will need to wait until Tue.
Download & referral signup tracker are not working properly at certain times, please make the tracker stable & reliable.
Great thanks for notice, we will check this out.
i think there should have different color for each file type in statistics report

now it make me confuse
Thanks for your suggestion, we will send this request to our design team and see if that is good.
Hello, sorry for my poor English.
About two months ago I enrolled in the uploadstation page, however I never got the e-mail confirmation. Unfortunately I can not use my paypal email if my mail is not confirmed.
Uploadstation support can help me solve this problem.
Pd: My email is barti2000@gmail.com
Hi, you are not able to verify your email before joining our affiliate program, please insert your payment method, then you will able to verifity.
No, you don´t answer any mail even respecting the format.
SCAM !!!!!!!!!!!????
Hi, please kindly spend some time to check with the payment prove from previous posts before you decide if we are scam or not. Also, tickets send from weekday, will be replied within 2 days.
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The DMCA is strictly forbidden to share. Our research team is against the rule of the DMCA, and many of the links on your site is shared aaa.com have been identified.

For this reason, your account is closed permanently, please do not throw an e-mail.

Thanks uploadstation
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