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And second payments on time :)

Thanks :)

Added after 7 minutes:

I tested from all four tiers, and these are the rates I got:

Tier 1, US IP: $16


Answer from support email uploadocean team at your table: "If proxy (VPN) is detected, the rates are automatically reduced." Means that it counted and proxy but for less money.
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And second payments on time :)

Thanks :)

Added after 7 minutes:

I tested from all four tiers, and these are the rates I got:

Tier 1, US IP: $16


Answer from support email uploadocean team at your table: "If proxy (VPN) is detected, the rates are automatically reduced." Means that it counted and proxy but for less money.

as i said their rates are lie

[h=3]File Size[/h]
[h=3]Group A[/h]
[h=3]Group B[/h]
[h=3]Group C[/h]
[h=3]Group D[/h]
[h=3]1 KB+[/h]
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To be honest, I really doubt the rates are automatically reduced when proxy/VPN is detected (how? modified Blocked database to GeoIP.dat?)..

I did some new tests, with the help of a friend from a different tier.

Tier 1 country:
1 / $0.0160 (with VPN)
2 / $0.0320 (without VPN)

Tier 2 country:
1 / $0.0030 (with VPN)
2 / $0.0060 (without VPN)

Rates are exactly the same. It does not matter if one are using VPN or not.
I guess it's only not their rates which is wrong, but also which countries belongs to which tiers ($3 ?!)..

That being said, support has always answered me - except for when I asked for a few more GB..
Strange i have mailed support many time , never get a answer ...... :whistling:

That's a lie, let anyone else send question to uploadocean support and see that you're lying, you do it just to prove yourself something...

I will not be as you @AgentX and @trickerfinder and are trol your posts where you where praise others hosting, because it I could prove through statistics their lies and write under each of your posts: "that's a lie"

I have nothing benefits from uploadocean, and you do not have to, you not ever worked with them but you all know, I work with them every day and I'm lying? you put 12 files to uploadocean and you conclude that they cheating, incredibly...

For everyone else member, this is a good hosting to make money try and you will see...

And to provocations from @AgentX and @trickerfinder I will not respond any more
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Strange i have mailed support many time , never get a answer ...... :whistling:

That's a lie, let anyone else send question to uploadocean support and see that you're lying, you do it just to prove yourself something...

I will not be as you @AgentX and @trickerfinder and are trol your posts where you where praise others hosting, because it I could prove through statistics their lies and write under each of your posts: "that's a lie"

I have nothing benefits from uploadocean, and you do not have to, you not ever worked with them but you all know, I work with them every day and I'm lying? you put 12 files to uploadocean and you conclude that they cheating, incredibly...

For everyone else member, this is a good hosting to make money try and you will see...

And to provocations from @AgentX and @trickerfinder I will not respond any more

ARE you ok?
who provocate here?
i said only rates are lie
are you blind?
cant you read their rates in site
they say ,its 21 - and so on
but they give 16$ to tier 1
and other tiers are also wrong
and i also agree with you about support, they answer but believe me they answered me after my 5th mail
i m sorry but you extremely and strongly support them so its strange
there is no provocations
they pay they are trustful maybe
but it doesnt chage one thing
their rates are lie.
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If you have lots of files with download, ask them to give you a premium, I can not promise but I was given premium to 2019
I do have lots of files, but all I got was 20 Gb ;)

This may be a stupid question, but how do you know you have premium?
How much storage space do you have? No wait time on downloads?
I do have lots of files, but all I got was 20 Gb ;)

This may be a stupid question, but how do you know you have premium?
How much storage space do you have? No wait time on downloads?
I'm not sure, try to ask them what is important for free premium...

I will send you to private message my screenshot how looks user panel for premium


Just received :) :) :)

Added after 4 minutes:

I got email today from uploadocean team:

We are seeing your conversation on WJunction, please give them all this reply :

1. VPN (Proxy) rates are automatically reduced
2. We are a dedicated team
3. We are google verified business (
4. We are active on all social media for 10 hours everyday (During Office Timings)
5. Our Social Network manager is usually always online on most of social media including Skype, she transfers all queries to Tech and Finance department during office timings.
6. Payment are sent as soon as traffic is verified, our top uploaders receive payments within an hour (If requested during office timings)
7. Our Facebook page graphics, website is professionally designed not like other local file hosting sites
8. We organise giveaways very often and winners are chosen, you may check our Facebook page (this proves our legitimacy)

Thanks :)

For further queries feel free to message us.

Best Regards
Team UploadOcean

Facebook :
Twitter :

Google Plus :
Instagram :

Youtube :

All I can say is: thank you uploadocean :)
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Fake rates


My downloads are all from tier B - In the affiliate page tier B = 12$ x 1000dl

My stats:

92 / $0.28!!!!

92:0.28=1000:x --- x = $3.04

I sent a ticket and support never replied. FAKE RATES!
My downloads are all from tier B - In the affiliate page tier B = 12$ x 1000dl
My stats:
92 / $0.28!!!!
92:0.28=1000:x --- x = $3.04
I sent a ticket and support never replied. FAKE RATES!

To me my stats is excellent, If you think something not right with stats you have and uploadocean facebook, ask there or leave a comment and explain the problem

I know 100% that download with proxy count less money, (I wrote that in this topic a little more up) but honestly I do not know what download you have, its all 100% regular?
Some filehost with proxy ip download do not give anything, uploadocean gives with proxy less money, I know that because I asked

By the way, thanks to uploadocean for last payment :friends: UploadOcean - Upload 'n' Earn :handshake:

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