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2018-11-15 $x0.02 PENDING
2018-11-11 $x2.08 PENDING
2018-11-07 $x0.56 PAID
2018-11-03 $x0.12 PAID
2018-10-31 $x0.10 PAID
2018-10-27 $x8.67 PAID
2018-10-03 $x0.46 PAID
2018-09-29 $x0.65 PAID
2018-09-26 $x1.70 PAID

not SCAM
For me is official that this site is other big scammer like uploadrocket, suprafiles etc etc . After 50 days of pending payments and accumulating more till 175$ i have deleted all my 12000 files from this host. The good thing is that on last 15 days i already have move 7000, so yeah, could be worse. The excuse this guy has give the all 2018 are ridiculous, and the new one he gives me today is a complete joke. Is need have big balls to come tell me that have to pay a fine because of DMCA. What this guy forgets is that the suppose problem with DMCA have happened last week, and he does not pay me from December 3. After i be complete reluctant to wait more time, tells me that goo paid me from is pocket (what joke) the first pending payment, off course have pay nothing and even have the balls to tell me that have paid... and i with my purse open..... i finish tell him that is nothing that a scammer and delete my all files. I know others users already scammed, that he is a liar, i got lucky he paid me till November 2018, after now is up to all of you. Like with uplaodrocket i will leave here my opinion, the rest is up to all of you.
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2019-01-21 $x0.90 PENDING
2019-01-18 $x0.06 PENDING
2019-01-12 $x1.03 PENDING
2019-01-09 $x2.43 PENDING
2019-01-04 $x4.59 PENDING
2018-12-31 $x0.12 PAID

SCAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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