Uploaded.to Has Deactivate PPD Program

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I suspect they will take months to implement any PPD system, or they will bring back the old rank system, if they wanted to improve anything they should have left things as they are until their new PPD system is ready.
Why other filehosts still use Paypal, except maybe Oron, and there will be no sales without Payapl (80% of sales) and Credit Cards (19% of sales) there is no chance for uploaded to stay without Paypal and without Credit Cards as the remaining 1% of sales through Alertpay, Paysafecard, Bitcoin... will bring nothing.

And if they will rely on resellers, amybe they will have sales at first but how the uploaders will get a commission on sales with resellers ?? You'll have to be both the uploader and the reseller ??

When the uploaders will leave sales will surely stop especially if anyone who leaves will delete all his files, which I will do too when I leave in a week if no PPD is back.
Stop saying uploaded.to is a scam filehost ! It's not true : they always pay , it's an honest filehost !
The real problem concern the paiement system : with paypal it was rather easy to have sale. But paypal froze their account ! After they put hipay to replace paypal. I pointed out that hipay was maybe as good as paypal for customer. But now hipay is no longer available. So now how to buy a premium account? With alertpay? Bank transfer? Just a joke.

Henceforth the question is : why filehost like netload or shragle (etc....) have still their paypal account and not uploaded.to? We can understand why paypal ban oron (owner of porn website) but why ul.to?

And lastly i just saw that uploaded.to increase the speed for free user (200-250 ko/s). How to make sale with a speed like that (and with no good paiement option?

Conclusion : Stop using it and choose an other filehost !
Well, that looks like a dead end... No Paypal, no CC --> no sales --> No money for the uploaders.

It's a pity because Ul.to was/is a very reliable host but the Paypal issue is a major one
Ul.to is a trusted host. Always pays to uploaders. Now, their PPD has gone, but who knows that it will come in a near future.

I`m waiting for a payment since 10 days more or less, if they pay me, i will still use ul.to.

Otherwise, im waiting a response from zoom
Seriously this time it's too much.
They were among the best file sharing sites and they are falling time to time -_-
If they have problems, they could at least inform us!!
They have so much problems and change so oftenly their services that I seriously doubt il will continue surviving.
UL is dying and will die soonly. Whitout PPD program they will lose at the uploaders and without uploasers, they will not be downloads ...

Who you guys sale your links ?
Few steps to solve the situation:

- wait for payment
- request the last payment and wait for it
- then delete all files there
- last step: wish deadmau5 and zomg a nice time and open a beer=)
- done
Few steps to solve the situation:

- wait for payment
- request the last payment and wait for it
- then delete all files there
- last step: wish deadmau5 and zomg a nice time and open a beer=)
- done

Whats your Problem?!

Leave if you are not Happy?!and stop crying like a Bitch read their TOS they can change everything when they have fun about that.

Or is anyone Force you to use this Hoster?! :facepalm:

Now you all cry about the close of PPD but

"WHo Knows what other Filehost Services will handle this now(maybe they close all PPD" and most important QUESTION is CAN the other Filehoster Handle this now!

Simple answer is NO Look at Extabit,Bitshare and all the other shit,very good performance heh?! =)

anyway i hope you will find a Good Solution to continue ;)

Best Greetz
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