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  1. A

    Earn Money Uploading Files [ Official]

    Me too without Payza I won't join !!
  2. A - Affiliates Earn $$$ With Our Genuine Affiliate Program ($25.00/1,000)

    You removed AlertPay as a payment method ???!!! Without AlertPay I will stop using the service.
  3. A – We pay 65% of Premium Sales or $35/1000 downloads or hybrid

    Add Payza as payment method and I will join.
  4. A - Affiliates Earn $$$ With Our Genuine Affiliate Program ($25.00/1,000) or how to turn a fiehosting service into a failure in 1 night. Sorry for the sarcasm but I had to.
  5. A - Affiliates Earn $$$ With Our Genuine Affiliate Program ($25.00/1,000)

    I upload files and no links are generated and I can't find them in My Files, also stats seem to be freezed !!!!
  6. A - Affiliates Earn $$$ With Our Genuine Affiliate Program ($25.00/1,000)

    I want to be paid in AlertPay/Payza do you have that or not ?? Anyone got paid to AlertPay/Payza ??
  7. A Has Deactivate PPD Program

    37 days = 25 BUSINESS days and still no payment on AlertPay
  8. A Has Deactivate PPD Program

    Yes I have contacted their support and told them thatb it has been over a month since I requested payout and they replied I still have to wait !!! I would understand a delay for large amounts as it may need some verification for fraud and such, but for less than 100 Euros to take 42 days or even...
  9. A Has Deactivate PPD Program

    Still epic fail to wait more than 40 days for a measely 20 euros !!!!
  10. A Has Deactivate PPD Program

    30 days since payout request and no money received, epic fail !!!!!
  11. A Has Deactivate PPD Program

    Me too once I get paid, I will delete all my files and say goodbye to A payment request since March 23 and still not paid !!!
  12. A

    The Official Alertpay Support Thread

    Me too loged in fine a few minutes ago, but an hour ago it was showing that error message.
  13. A Has Deactivate PPD Program

    Without Paypal this PPS plan is worth nothing and only benefits to big uploaders, small uploaders will not come back if they don't bring back a decent PPD plan and they are the majority of uploaders. Also is US still banned (again) ?
  14. A

    Filevelocity, anyone?

    I have quit FV since 2 weeks and I see I wasn't wrong, RapidGator is good now, but who knows for how long ??
  15. A

    Filevelocity, anyone?

    The new changes are bad for me you put France in group C ??!! France is always in B or A, the affiliate table is just ridiculous, it was good but now everyone will leave, no one likes it when they decrease rates especially in this way. We want a stable filehost, one that has stable rates, prompt...
  16. A Has Deactivate PPD Program

    Wish I took screen shots like you did, will try to remember next time something funny like this happens ;)
  17. A Has Deactivate PPD Program

    Uploaded is offline due to a DDOS attack, first the message "DDOS against our servers. We are on it." was displayed under the german usual message, now it's gone, anyone else seen it ?
  18. A Has Deactivate PPD Program

    And on what "new" host are you ??
  19. A Has Deactivate PPD Program

    In your signature it is like you are looking for a new FilSonic which everybody seems to miss, unlike FileServe by the way, what kind of content do you upload ?? Maybe I cen help you ;)