Uploaded.to Has Deactivate PPD Program

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A user of our forum got a german answer from paypal. He posted (translated from german to english):

PPD is currently under revision. When it comes back, I can not say now.

PPS will continue and will be raised to 7 EURO per sale.


I hope thats true ^^. been a while since we heard some good news from a filehosting so this would a fresh air in case it turns out to be legit ! praying !O_O!
so what if they raise PPS? They deleted almost all big files from ppls accounts plus they marked those files as illegal and its too much work to reupload big files . With what should we sell then - 100MB files?
I expect them to start banning for dmca very soon...
uploaded Ltd. | Customer Care | ul.to/help

Dear Customer,

no, we will not close our affiliate program.

Yours Sincerely,

Daniel Miller

uploaded Ltd.
Customer Care

uploaded Ltd.
Unit 3, 6/F KamHon
Industrial Building 8
Wang Kwun Road Kowloon Bay
Hong Kong

This is the answer from the support
Is True. Like the page who appear now, they really DONT close the affiliate program. But close the Pay-Per-Download and left only the Pay-Per-Sale... lol :P

We need wait a OFFICIAL Response about Pay-Per-Download. And the Downloads earning are counting, so, Waiting is the unique way.
I have right now the opcion to do the Paypal cashout (and have the balance), do you recommend it?

Because I dont like to wait one month with block money account excuses... Its better cashout with Alertpay or Paypal?

Is True. Like the page who appear now, they really DONT close the affiliate program. But close the Pay-Per-Download and left only the Pay-Per-Sale... lol :P

We need wait a OFFICIAL Response about Pay-Per-Download. And the Downloads earning are counting, so, Waiting is the unique way.

They don't give a statement about ppd and ignore mails wth questions about the program or you receive meaningless answers like above.

But why should they offer a ppd program? All other older hoster have abandoned their programs and ul.to can keep this money instead of giving it to the users. Imho they just test atm how many uploaders will change to ppd-hoster.
Can anyone confirm that counter has stopped working as in PPD counts?

Also they increased the PPS payout to 7€ per sale. So the post that was posted earlier which they denied seems to be accurate.
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