uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Problem with IPs Block

Its been 4 days that I get a premium account from uploaded and all of 4 days my account is blocked for multiple IPs..So some machine answer give me some advice and I change my Password for 6 times and get a anti virus but didn't work..Finally I realize that I have Dynamic IP and with every restart of my modem, my account be blocked..I have no possible to change my Ip situation to Static IPs..So I respectfully asking you guys What Will I do? I am so tired and so regret to choose this uploadcenter that sacrifice his own customer for some attackers and Its not right...they think have a real solution to solve hacking but they get a worse one that sacrifice the customers....whats your advice to me...Plz help me
Hi guys,
Please tell me. How does the bit4coin payment work and how you get the money on your account. Is it instant or how long is necessary to wait? Thanks.
Plz help me
Why u restart ur modem that often?

SO sometimes is needed and sometimes We have blackout in the city..the only thing that's be wierd for me Its that why the uploaded sites sacrifice his own customers because of some hackers... Its been 5 days that my account is blocked..So my account be premiuemed from 5 days ago and all of this days my account be blocked...I dont restart my modem today and again this is happen and every day I send tickets to uploaded and every time they send me some machine answer...I'm uploader and I be regret to made my account to premium account..this is intersting that there is no intention to solve my problem from uploaded and there is no way to change my IP to Static because of some legal issue..also I'll sign up in no-ip.com site and sign a hostname and enter it in my modem setting and assign a static IP but It didn't work...So Im tired from this situation and so regret to work with uploaded as Its the one 9 uploadcenter that I upload into it.....SO you have any suggestion to me???? Im sorry to be long my words and So thank you from yours to show some respect to me with your answer...
I sent an email to Uploaded support:

I just want to ask when you are going to send Webmoney payouts to affiliates. I was paid last on January 21, 2016. I know about the thing you always say about payment completion within 30 days. But realistically, when are you going to pay this time? My request was also made on January 21 which is nearly a month ago. Are you going to pay on Thursday (tomorrow) or Friday or next week?

Their reply:


Nice talking to a robot as usual.
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