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  1. W - Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

    Simply read the announcement posted by Jeff
  2. W Discussion thread

    There is no problem on my firewall. Norton blocks ur site. If u are the owner of flyfiles u have to contact them the remove this block. There is no discussion needed: i only want to tell you and other users that one anti-virus prog blocks ur site. What u do with this info is ur problem. I dont...
  3. W Discussion thread

    A site which can not be reached is good 4 customers? U can not download, u can not buy an account. Good luck 4 ur business!?
  4. W Discussion thread

    No customer will use a site which is blocked by a anti-virus prog. I would not do it.
  5. W Discussion thread

    Site is blocked by Norton.
  6. W - Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

    If a debrid site claims to support a hoster does not mean that this hoster really works there. k2s and RG too do an excellent job to block accounts of this sites. Read the reviews of this debrid sites and u will find hundreds of reviews with „k2s does not work“ or „RG does not work“.
  7. W - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    Totally bullshit. ul works normal for free users.
  8. W - Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

    Me too. In the past single files were marked but now the whole folder. I am a little bit scared. I asked the support and hope it is a bug.:pray::(
  9. W

    urgent need file hosting with only pps i want share 100%

    Premium users get no ads. They simply put the link in the browser or download manager a can load the file without waiting time or ads. So you get the sale and the filehost get nothing. Do you know how a filehoster works? You are a totally idiot and a spammer. Not a single hoster on this board...
  10. W

    urgent need file hosting with only pps i want share 100%

    And from what the filehost should live. Whats the point of good sales when the hoster get nothing from it. You are spamming, your request is dumb and every 5 year old kid knows that no hoster in this world would accept it unless the owner is insane.
  11. W - Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

    Bitcoin payed within 3 days. Thank u very much,
  12. W - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)
  13. W - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    What a dumb dicussion. Why not simply go to the website. There u will find this: Shareonline: You get 30% from initial payment and 20% from recurring payments recalculated in points for every(*) sold account! Uploaded: every valid Premium initial order: 60% of the sale every valid Premium...
  14. W

    does anyone have an idea how to remotely recover files from share-online to openload? about third?

    Remote upload from share-online to other hosters is not possible because share-online doesnt allow it.
  15. W - Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

    U need a k2s premium account for this, a free account is useless for this case.
  16. W

    Filehost captchas

    I dont get captchas and i never got captchas. Maybe a security thing for some users. It definitely not happen to all users.
  17. W

    Filehost captchas

    I use filejoker and filefox as a premium user and i dont get captchas.