uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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This host is now totally crazy. I don't think they are shaving or cheating. Their affiliate is 1 euro / 1000 dl :D
Hopefully oboom will work better now and don't let copyright trolls kill them again.
Yes they deleted all earnings and restart the affiliate programm. Up to 40eur per 1000DL

i just checked their page...and no thank you....:)) if they didn't paid first the previous pending requests who will be that stupid to think that this time will be different ( ofcourse they will pay first 1 -2 months , and after that again ..bul;shit excuses..pending 3 months - 6 months ..until the next summer when again restart )
This host is now totally crazy. I don't think they are shaving or cheating. Their affiliate is 1 euro / 1000 dl :D
Hopefully oboom will work better now and don't let copyright trolls kill them again.

Really? i expected you to be more clever than to give such an host another try.
Without paying out first (and even deleting) old earnings such host can be an alternative ONLY for some retards.

I earned well with them but also they cheated me nicely.
The end of the old affiliate program was so much dirty that it would be really stupid of anybody using them again.
They never informed they 'workers' they never even tried to find a solution. They just gave a shit on all who was working with Oboom.

Good luck to all!
This host is now totally crazy. I don't think they are shaving or cheating. Their affiliate is 1 euro / 1000 dl :D
Hopefully oboom will work better now and don't let copyright trolls kill them again.

Really? i expected you to be more clever than to give such an host another try.
Without paying out first (and even deleting) old earnings such host can be an alternative ONLY for some retards.

I earned well with them but also they cheated me nicely.
The end of the old affiliate program was so much dirty that it would be really stupid of anybody using them again.
They never informed they 'workers' they never even tried to find a solution. They just gave a shit on all who was working with Oboom.

Good luck to all!

Being clever is not enough anymore :D
You just don't know how much stuff i have in uploaded and how they killed me with the "new" aff program they put me for the last 4-5 months. They even turned on my file inactivity and i didn't have even 1% of inactivity . When i go trough my account every file last download is today or yesterday. And i am talking about a lot of files.
And yes , i know about the 1IP/24h rule and may be there a 100 people who are downloading all my files every day :D
Just imagine if oboom are back for good and they start paying. There with 50 files you can make 5 euro and in uploaded at this moment i doubt if you make 0,05 euro.
I've always liked uploaded , but that was before they started to treat me like trash.
i've good stats for sale with uploaded but i agree with you alabala, for download it's a joke ...
Well, they cut me off from at least half of my sales as well. I used to have few every day and suddenly i have 1 per day or sometimes even 1 per week. Thats unacceptable. So im going to give oboom a try , can't get worst than it already is ;)
Pays uploaded PPS if somebody buys through my reflink a premium account?
When exactly gives uploaded PPS?

Answer to the discussion above: I have the best stats on uploaded ever. PPS & PPD are very good for me!
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He les amis ne revez pas bcp UL est entrain de mourir " s'il est pas déjà mort " changez le hsot comme moi et je suis sur que vous ne le regretez pas n'importe quel host c'est bcp mieu et bonne chance
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