Search results

  1. U

    Best file hosting with 50 tb or more space for games, movies, ebooks etc.?

    sorry for late response where great a few years ago, reliable still are (meaning they pay) but sales started to drop a lot in the last years beside them idk any unlimited storage reliable ,i'm searching also for one that can gives me 70TB
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    Cloud Storage Hosting

    @Igutin well i'm asking not begging - on pcloud it was 200 bucks per infinite time 2TB storage back when they haven't increased prices so it's not much insanity considering that 2k per year is far more expensive than NAS with 10TB HDD infinite time
  3. U

    Cloud Storage Hosting

    Hello i'm not sure that is the right topic but i was curious to ask if it's anywhere out there over www cloudhostings alternatives like that allows warez and multiuser sharing withing the price rage of 100 bucks per year and min 2TB storage
  4. U

    they never delete files - if you ask from them first to activate that option also the premium price could be customed -they have also low price options like 20$ 1 month
  5. U

    Filehost captchas

    since 2011 until now i never had captchas on novafile - also if it's a captcha problem i don't get how is this in "cheating" accusations unless you are talking and have proof about cheating on counting premium sales if you have a problem with captcha you can contact support - i don't believe...
  6. U

    Payza seized by US Gov

    payza is semi-scam since it tuned payza from alertpay - they had problems with payments since 2015 when i've tried last time to withdraw and the transaction wasn't completed even after 2 weeks - like they will send my money with pigeons in the era where amazon drops packages with drone and A.I...
  7. U

    I Can Confirm That they pay on time ,even better , they have instant payment via webmoney ,about the counting of downloads or sales ,i don't know for sure , since i haven't finished migrating from another host to takefile @ WickedF : why takefile dosen't have also official thread overhere ...
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    Premium - Earn Upto 80% of Sales/Rebills | Pay Per File | Daily Payout

    i know buddy - i was not asking for wrong stats when it comes to sales or so on - i was pointing out that my stats didn't showed the downloaded count - no mather if it was paid or not - statistics skipping between days - for example from 6 to 14 December to 26-27 instead of showing me each day...
  9. U

    Premium - Earn Upto 80% of Sales/Rebills | Pay Per File | Daily Payout

    Thanks For Reply My Username is the same with the wjunction username - uzzy1986
  10. U

    Premium - Earn Upto 80% of Sales/Rebills | Pay Per File | Daily Payout

    I have to ask a stupid question but isn't supposed the statistics to show stats for each day ? instead of only days with download for example instead of 2017-12-21 - 4 / $0 0 / $0 0 / $0 $0 $0 $0 2017-12-22 - 0 / $0 0 / $0 0 / $0 $0 $0 $0 2017-12-23 - 0 / $0 0 / $0 0 / $0 $0 $0 $0 and...
  11. U

    Any good host?

    Sorry For Late response - i've ordered already to Serverogen - so the thread can be closed - Thank you guys for all your offers
  12. U

    Any good host?

    Hello guys can you recommend me any hosting provider that offers hosting locations in Russia - friendly support ,DMCA safe , on max 10$ per month i want to migrate my site - if they offer free stuff like free SSL and so on even better
  13. U

    Premium - Earn Upto 80% of Sales/Rebills | Pay Per File | Daily Payout

    i think i've sent you a PM - please hit me back when you have time
  14. U

    Does any good pps host still exist?

    how do you know that ? please give me more details
  15. U

    KatFile.COM - 70% OF Sales/Rebills | PPD $40/1000 DLs

    1) no, i have buyers from USA,Germany,and so on 2) PM sent
  16. U

    KatFile.COM - 70% OF Sales/Rebills | PPD $40/1000 DLs

    Hello KatFile I Don't Know why i've noticed your filehost after almoust 2 years from the launch ,because i'm looking for a good and trusted PPS program that pay's 90% from the sales for a long time let me ask you something : if i want to migrate all of my filles from the previous filehost...
  17. U - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    yesterday i had 30E in my affiliate balance ,unless i was sleepwalking or working in sleep,even so, no premium extension or something,somebody shaved me 30e, now i have 0.90 cents,:wave:
  18. U - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    i'm using this as my residual income...without using autopost or copy paste remirror content ,but i'm not stupid to post "quality content " overhere..since they shave sales and download you can earn but you can earn less then using other host in comparison anyway..i managed to fix the problem...