uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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This hosting from being the best is now more and more unstable with every payment delay. And its not just us "crying" about it here, i see more and more people complaining in a few forums. From september last year my money are down with 1/3 because i (and all of us) have to pay cloudzer aff.
And im sure they didnt pay us last week because they paid cloudzer. This week is also not sure if we get paid because cloudzer are waiting for their bank transfers. Anyway, its horrible to wait 30-40-60 days for a payment , its waaay too long !
Looks like the old users (from europe where ul.to was strongest host before acta) are not so valuable anymore because most countries outside of europe dont have ppd. and thats why they got payments much faster than banks.
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what mistake i never posted nothing against the rules meybe it was too much dmca its only reason :(

is it a joke ...
You did not break any rules and still you got lots of DMCA ... File sharing is not a stable business anymore ...

the only loser is uploader cause filehost keep the money for them and their equipment still work ; anyway it's time for uploader to ban this filehost & don't work never with :smokin:
have you contacted the support ?
Every time when they delay a payment someone shows up and claims he was banned for no reason.
Ul.to may have problems and delay payments but never banned ppl for no reason (as far as i know)
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Yes Sure

Added after 25 minutes:

Do you think there's something there?
Uploaded.net - Supportthread - Seite 719 - BoerseBZ

Do you think that's true or fake?
Uploaded.net - Supportthread - Seite 719 - BoerseBZ

Ihr wurdet gewarnt, seit CloudZer 2012 online kam. Leider musste der überaus inkompetente Mod "ZX80" die Beiträge löschen und bannen. Ausser das und seine Provokationen, kann er ja nichts anderes.

Wir haben enorm viel investiert, um cyando den Garaus zu machen.
Uns ist es gleichgültig, ob wir dabei legale, oder illegale Methoden nutzen.
Wir haben ein Ziel und wir werden alle Hebel in Bewegung setzen, um diese zu erreichen.

Ich rate euch allen VPN zu nutzen, denn das ist nur die Anfangsphase... :wink:

Ihr wurdet erneut gewarnt.
Feuer bekämpft man eben mit Feuer. :evil:
Es ist nichts persönliches.

ZX80 von boerse.bz ist Mitarbeiter bei uploaded.net. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist - Pastebin.com
ZX80 boerse.bz ,Deniz Cetindag, Daniel Hrnjak, Kustrim Ahmed - Pastebin.com

Viel Spaß
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what mistake i never posted nothing against the rules meybe it was too much dmca its only reason :(

How many DMCA you was receive daily ?? Do you reupload files ? And what content you share ? This is very important questions.

meybe it because of posting on german boards i saw from one user who told me that some copmpany hired lawyer against uploaded.net to protect theirs copyrights but i dont know man maybe its just a single case and maybe its just fuckin s...m they should paid from january but they still dont do this ! and yes i reupped files sometimes for request but not much .
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@Mischtey, have you received a 14 days warning that your acc will be disabled ?
And i didnt say you are lying, but i find it strange that they ban acc just like that all of a sudden ... hope you will at least get paid...
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