uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Requestet 2014-01-11 only checked until now (Banktransfer)

In there TOS: "where possible" within 30 business days

So maybe 40, 50 or 60 days possible! :-&

I send them an email and got an answer:

Lieber Kunde,

Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage!

Ihre Auszahlungsanfrage wurde abgeschlossen und wird nach 30 Werktagen ausgezahlt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Support Department

Short translation: ...we pay after 30 working days.

So we have to wait 5 or 6 weeks before they pay us.
In germany we have 6 working days in 1 week but maybe in swiss its only 5 days per week.
But WME they pay allready 2 times last 4 weeks. Ul is more and more a really shit Hoster !
they need 6 weeks to pay money for the people they make the money for UL.

With this you can see we are all some shit Dogs for them :(
the ppd shaving is brutal ! They took me back at the start point few years ago when i had ~ 500 links and made same money i have today :D
As for payment - if we have to wait that long - all of us should wait and not discriminate banks ! If the taxes are too big for them i agree to pay my tax but to be paid every 10 days (like share-online for example) . They are cheating like hell so it doesnt matter for me if i pay the bank transfer tax . At leas they are finally closing cloudzer, hopefully things will get better .
PPD, PPS hard SHAVING, but More Brutal SHAVING on Rebills!!!!!.... 4 Months = 2 Rebills!!!...Come on UL. Nobody wants to extend their acct after expired or more shave..more shave..more shave .......:cursing:
PPD, PPS hard SHAVING, but More Brutal SHAVING on Rebills!!!!!.... 4 Months = 2 Rebills!!!...Come on UL. Nobody wants to extend their acct after expired or more shave..more shave..more shave .......:cursing:

Yerah, I had more than 700 premium accounts sold in 3 years , and got only 56 rebills ??!!
The starngest thing is with 1 month accounts, I get about 15-20 sold every month and almost 0 rebills, HARDEST SHAVING EVER !!!!
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