Over and over the same here, 10 pages statements "no payments" and than 10 pages "txh for the payment"
Thats why there is no official support here anymore
Over and over the same here, 10 pages statements "no payments" and than 10 pages "txh for the payment"
Please help me!
What you print in these empty fields when you want receive your money from ul.to on your bank account?
Account holder: Here my Name, Last Name and Family?
Bank: Name of Bank?
IBAN: My euro number of bank account?
SWIFT/BIC: - here what?
a few more days and its bank transfer turn to start just the same :DOver and over the same here, 10 pages statements "no payments" and than 10 pages "txh for the payment"
I'm also waiting for amazon.com to be available to request payment since few month ago.im still waiting for amazon to be available to request payment... i hope they would open it soon
more than four times, my account was stolen, every time I noted that my balance decreases more than 7 euro ! :cursing:
Normal ???
Got sales thnaks
Got sales thnaks
Got sales thnaks
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7
you may be right, but 4 times I notice her! Ever happened to you codehtcmail ?
This!guys be patient, they pay.
you guys are repeatedly asking about "when they pay ?" "they sca* me ?" will make a bad impression on new users and most of guys are scared due to "non-stop" reply of same thing
so please don't talk about "they pay or not", but they will , may be they take time because there affilaite is not 100 or 200 and they also have fraud check, payment processor thing (because they don't have ads, so only option is premium sale, so must cautious in checking) , also they need time to handle server.
hope you guys understood what i am telling :-=