uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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only uploaded can help yu.
contact them again and again
and change all your password , scan your comp ( better format it )
use good anti virus and firewall
good luck

Yep, thanks. They don't reply though.

Call the Uploaded online service if you are English/French/Turc/Dutsh/Spanish men. :)

Also à aprove the PPD is shaving, registering but no sales so shave again, and i'm waiting about my last request from 19.11 ...

However FTP works like a Unicorn-Pony, and that since few weeks :fly:
And if you remove the fact that UL does not pay us, it remains to users every day, the best host!
All new files added:

page not found
Error: 404
Thank you verify the URL in your address bar, and contact us in case of technical failure on our part. :facepalm:
its not only the new files ! A lot of files from last 10 days are gone . The site is up and we see the files but the servers are down or something ...
is that why they didnt pay banks ?

edit: just checked and even my oldest files are 404 ... theres definitely something very wrong with ul.to . If the servers are not in some huge maintenance (never happened before) i think ul.to is done ...
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the (fr) server line are up but the (am) server line are all down. this could be a datacenter issue.
the only online server from (am) cluster is am4 and alot of fr servers are also taken offline now. maby a major problem has accurred that they have taken servers offline one by one for testing.
anyway we will know eventually.
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