uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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no sales for me 40 days...working a lot every day and nothing!!!! every day 1-2E i have PPD ...but no saleee

..they are shaving a lot.....
..also support here runaway....
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I don't think they are shaving, I just think they are open for any debrid-services like: premiumize.me, zevera.com, simply-debrid.com, real-debrid.com, multi-debrid.com, debriditalia.com, debrid.net, etc...

Why you don't make promotions like Filesonic was doing like weekly promotion or weekends promotions, you will bring with that serious traffic and you will make more attention more than other file hosts.

Why you don't make promotions like Filesonic was doing like weekly promotion or weekends promotions, you will bring with that serious traffic and you will make more attention more than other file hosts.

they will answer u the following :

because of a security issue :-=
I don't think they are shaving, I just think they are open for any debrid-services like: premiumize.me, zevera.com, simply-debrid.com, real-debrid.com, multi-debrid.com, debriditalia.com, debrid.net, etc...

There are more than 3 years, real-debrid, all-debrid.com vs...
last 2 months all normal and now no sale, no rebill. Like other filehostlar, cheat on cheat. only work ppd.

This thread Official Support, not File Host Discussion. the staff doesn't care. Last Activity before 2 weeks.

There are more than 3 years, real-debrid, all-debrid.com vs...
last 2 months all normal and now no sale, no rebill. Like other filehostlar, cheat on cheat. only work ppd.

This thread Official Support, not File Host Discussion. the staff doesn't care. Last Activity before 2 weeks.


Vacation? :sun:
What the fuck with upload speed ?! Where is support ?! :thumbdown:

I'm stop working with uploaded, until they are not fixed upload speed.
Over 2 years I have not received any sales!!! Earnings for July (download only one folder added in July, though downloads, not only them). May give an explanation!??
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