uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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you sort your file manager by Download count(highest you've got so far was 147) and you have 15tb files, its not like all your files have download count. so how did ul scam u?

true kaizer just noticed . these guys show things they want us to see . show ur last 2 pages as per date uploaded then people can tell tat whether u psoting bad content or bad placees or ul scamming u . dont manupilate and then present thingss next time . in 16 tb i would have uploaded for 5 yrs lolz ....
I had 1 sale today after 17 days and was able to confirm st. they do have problem with East Asian countries as they are not able to buy . the only 1 sale i got was from USA ! T_T

I hope Uploaded fix this soon. my average 30 sale/month has turned into 1 . this is quite problematic.
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